Wonderful Quote

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"Our happiness depends on 
the habit of mind we cultivate. 
So practice happy thinking every day. 
Cultivate the merry heart, develop the happiness habit, 
and life will become a continual feast."

- Norman Vincent Peale

[image via larafairie]


  1. Why is it sometimes hard to do the simplest things like that?! Love the pic.

  2. Yeah I know right? It sounds like it should be simple enough to do, but it's really not. But once you do reach that point where it just clicks, it's amazing!

  3. Love the quote; we should renew our mind daily with Love! Delighted to find your blog!

  4. "renew our mind daily with love" <---i concur :)

    and i'm glad you enjoy my blog! thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a little note!



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