Burnt Toast and Watercolors

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Yesterday I started the day off with one of my favorite (and most simple) breakfasts...toast and coffee. I actually managed to botch my first attempt, but got it right on the second!

After I had gotten some food in me, I realized I was in the mood to paint, so I dug up all my old watercoloring stuff. Having no idea what I wanted to do, I browsed around online to try and get some ideas. I ended up copying a pretty painting I found, and then did my own version of it after:

first one copied from the painting I found

this one was my own version

Since none of you knew I painted, I thought I'd share some of my other stuff I've done!

So obviously, art is a great love of mine...but I what I want to know is, what are some things that you really enjoy doing?

p.s. A special hello to my newest followers...TeaButterfly, Rary, Bardot in Blue, and KpopVirus!


  1. hello to you too! ;)

    I love drawing and painting! I also love editing film and taking photographs. But Ithink etching is my fave creative activity;

    Really love your wine still-life! Keep up the good work!


  2. Film editing is the industry I've been working on breaking into...it's so much fun!

  3. These are AMAZING! I especially love the last painting ♥

  4. wow. thats all I can manage! these are great girl!!!!

  5. Wow... you're really talented! Love what you've done!

    My love is writing. Hence the reason I love blogging so much!

  6. you are a great artist, i love water colour paintings.

  7. I love the chic smoking woman and sofa painting...you should sell your art on Etsy, love to buy!

  8. I love the paintings/sketches Cassie! Seriously, they are wonderful :)



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