Happy Birthday Little Blog!

Monday, April 5, 2010

I can't believe that today marks Moon Face's 1 year anniversary! When I started this, I had no idea what I was doing...I was just bored and wanted a little space of my own, to write and share whatever I wanted. It quickly took a new direction after the first couple posts and I fell in love with blogging!

I have met some amazing and very talented people through the blog world, and am so grateful to have obtained so many wonderful readers myself! I love being able to connect with you all! You guys really are the best!

Anyways, Happy Birthday little blog of mine!

[image via See Emily Play]


  1. Yeah for Blog Birthdays!! Happy Happy Bloggy Birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday Moon Face! Your blog has come such a long way in just one year! I hope that mine can be as inspirational as yours in one year!

  3. Happy Birthday to a sweet little blog!

  4. Yes happy birthday! Oooh I hope my blog is as cute and developed as yours is when my 1 year anni is up next January:-) You inspire me girly, congrats

  5. Oooo, happy bloggy birthday! Mine is in May, and I'm very excited. It's amazing how far a blog can come in a year and how it feels like something you have always been doing!
    Here's to many more Moon Face birthdays! x

  6. Congratulations Cassie. You really have such a beautiful blog, I can't believe it's only a year old. You really should be proud of yourself missus!

  7. Happy Blog Birthday! So glad to be reading!

  8. Happy Belated Birthday m'dear! One day I'll pay you a fortune to be my stylist unless you want to work now for payment in cookies...



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