by Sarah Alchmist

Everyday you face a handful of life duties in the outside world, therefore, it is important to me to come back to a place called home. To dwell, and breath the signature aromas of my belongings and energy. To taste the warmth from memories created in one little space. And to feel welcomed by the surroundings appealing to me. Abode; A complex yet simple place I've built for the comfort of myself and family.
My favourite time of year to create a cozy nook is Autumn and Winter. It gives such a strong sense of belonging. I enjoy dressing my home with simple, old and rusty things which are imperfectly perfect. Things relating to the feelings that are in the present moment. For example, when autumn gives its warmest hello, I love stuffing a bunch of big ole, fluffy, neutral-coloured throws on our sofa to curl up in. I also enjoy the burning of incense that smell like a wooded area, and having candles lit everywhere with their scent enveloping every room.

To dwell, and breath the signature aromas of my belongings and feel welcomed by the surroundings appealing to me.When winter makes its appearance, I can get the home ready with my family for cheerfulness and delight. Setting our dining room table simply, yet elegantly, for the feel of holiday spirit, all the while garnishing corners of our space with winter greenery and a freshly cut Christmas tree full of pretty lights and little trinkets. My home is simple, my home is my haven. And less is more.
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