The Concept of Relaxation

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Words & Photography
by AJ Fernando

Stillness is a relative concept. I was trying so hard to relax yesterday, but I realized my definition of downtime has changed after moving to Toronto.
I was trying so hard to relax yesterday, but I realized my definition of downtime has changed...
From staying at home, enjoying home-cooked meals, and working by myself in the breakfast nook, now means walking around the city, hitting up a coffee shop, and sharing conversations across long tables. One definition is not better than the other and I can’t expect the same result in a different environment. If I want to relax, then I have to be patient in finding a new definition that works for both (who I am then and who I am now).

It's all about re-aligning yourself and redefining what you've grown to know in relation to what's around you.


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