by Ali Middleton

Just so you know what it's like before I quickly scoot the clutter out of the frame.
My soul is drawn to simple and clean, so that's what I create when documenting my family or yours. But to be honest, I've had an inner battle for the longest time about whether that is genuine or not.
Because while I strive to tell the whole story of a family, I think it's okay to document a beautified version of that story.Does genuine mean showing pictures of your house when it's not clean, as well as when it's company ready? Bed head in addition to sunday best? Or can you be genuine while also only showing the pretty if the people you are showing know the caveat?
Because while I strive to tell the whole story of a family, I think it's okay to document a beautified version of that story. The same love, the same home, your best selves. The clutter moved so that the focus can be on his little smile, your loving snuggle. Pictures of yourself that you will love even more because you put on fancier make up - even though you know you usually give those horsey rides in sweats and a greasy bun.
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