Let's Believe We Are Enough

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Words by Tayler Golden
Photography by Ali Middleton

I've been feeling a little more stressed than normal the last few days. Not the good kinda stress that is motivating. I've been feeling the tired, impatient, selfish kind of stress. Which I'm lucky not to deal with bad stress often. I finally sat down yesterday to figure out where this was coming from and was able to snap myself out of it.

I was seeking validation from the wrong people and constantly worrying about future. A recipe for disaster and unhappiness.
We need to stop telling ourselves that we aren't good enough, or we aren't there yet. 
Let's just simply believe that we are enough and we matter. The future is exciting but is often is the cause for anxiety. There is no time like the present. We need to stop telling ourselves that we aren't good enough, or we aren't there yet. We all need to learn that nobody is there yet. We can all just do our best in the moment right now. | photo: @alimiddleton



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