by Robin Kay

I've just been feeling drained lately - mentally, physically, emotionally, creatively - and perhaps a little disenchanted with social media these days.
Where I used to find inspiration and a sense of community, I more often feel like I have no original thought or creative voice amidst the masses, and that sometimes I'm walking on eggshells within the circle of judgemental, mean girl moms.
It may just be my typical winter rut...but this uninspired feeling has led me to do a little soul searching and introspection, which is never a bad thing.It may just be my typical winter rut, or that the busyness of being a mother has caught up to me, but this uninspired feeling has led me to do a little soul searching and introspection, which is never a bad thing.
I'm still here, just might be a little quieter now and then while I refocus on other things that bring me joy - and maybe rediscover what I once loved about being part of this space along the way.
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