by Rebecca Kent

A few days ago, at 7 days post-partum. When I closely resembled Dolly Parton and this little one hadn't yet realized she could use her lungs at 1am and I thought she might have been the world's most perfect baby. (For the record I still think she is, but also very thankful for coffee.)
Why do newborns like to nurse until they barf? Jim Gaffigan should not be your role model child.
Literally just found a video the nurse left on my phone of her being put on my chest for the first time moments after she was born and immediately started sobbing.
I look like a lunatic most of the day trying to smell her breath while she's batting me away. Why hasn't someone bottled that smell up yet?Thankful things get "easier", or at least that there's less 2 am anxious googling of random diseases, the second time around.
I look like a lunatic most of the day trying to smell her breath while she's batting me away. Why hasn't someone bottled that smell up yet?
I love that I have a scar from Wyatt's birth and those cute teeny stretch marks from Hazel. Little reminders of carrying both of them.
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