by Ginger Parrish

This! This how I hope to remember motherhood. Not just the pretty times that I can't wait to write about in my journal or share online. Nor the nights I stay up later than I should catching up on laundry and packaging orders. Family vacations, stressing over chore chart progress, wiping faces all the live day long day, or volunteering at preschool. Rather, the in-between moments that usually go undocumented, but consistently remind me why I'm really here.
This how I hope to remember motherhood...the in-between moments that usually go undocumented, but consistently remind me why I'm really here.I didn't know this picture was taken. I slept in instead of waking up to do my work out, still had my jams on at noon, and had just smashed a freakin' spider on the screen door for the kids. Jonah told me, "You're strong mom. Strong like Thor." He meant those words. I know he did. That's why my eyes welled with tears shortly after.
I don't always view myself as a superhero. Why is that? My kids don't care whether or not I got dressed, wear make up OR self tanner, clean the house, or have 1 or 1 million friends on Instagram. Neither do yours! They view us with the eyes we SHOULD be using on ourselves. Sincere kindness, quick to forgive, accepting, patient, and perfect in our imperfections.
My kids don't care whether or not I got dressed, wear make up OR self tanner, clean the house, or have 1 or 1 million friends on Instagram.Here's to cherishing the day-to-day motherhood moments that often get brushed under the rug, and embracing the mundane exactly as it is.
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