by Ana Klizs

Our garden this time of year is definitely my favourite. Everything is growing, giving us the veggies and greens we use on a daily basis. From potatoes to zucchini, they're all thriving. Michael had to build a "cage" around our zucchini and eggplants because a sneaky squirrel was munching on all our blooms for weeks and weeks, but now this seems to have fixed it.
...being able to cut down on grocery bills and eat fresh organic things we grow even if it's only for a few short months is really special to me...The garden was Michael's idea, and is something he researches and builds and tends to. I'm involved in the consumption and sometimes watering process.
We live in a city with a cold climate most of the year, so being able to cut down on grocery bills and eat fresh organic things we grow even if it's only for a few short months is really special to me, and hopefully something the kids will look back on with fond memories.
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