The Here And Now

Monday, January 9, 2017

Words & Photography
by Chandler Jo

January comes around and we get all sorts of riled up for goal and intention setting. I love lists, calendars, planning, and strategizing, but this can overwhelm me with a sense of urgency and be distracting unless coupled with contentment and gratefulness for the beauty in the now.
Now it is time to look at today, this hour...what or who is in front of me and be grateful to be here on a rainy winter day. 
So all the goals are written, all the intentions are set. Now it is time to look at today, this hour...what or who is in front of me and be grateful to be here on a rainy winter day. Pointed my ship in the direction it needs to go, set the sails accordingly and I'm just going to enjoy the wind that carries me, the beauty of the present moment. What are your January customs in this arena?


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