by Kari Jensen

It takes me a while to find my voice when my soul feels so disheartened and confused. I’m the type of person who has to take it in. To sit with it. To feel it. To listen. Truth is, I've been at a loss for words. It was never a matter of speaking my voice however, but, rather, what to say when I speak. And yet I'm still not sure.
We are ALL experiencing something, whether we’re in support of or not. And the feelings that are happening as a result are fierce and overwhelming. We are all charged. We are all shaken. I’ve sat with this for a while now, silent and frozen, with what to share here in this space.
I have read and watched and listened to passionate people eloquently articulate their points of view. I have seen others rage in fear and pain while speaking their truth. Here is mine: we are all in this together.I have read and watched and listened to passionate people eloquently articulate their points of view. I have seen others rage in fear and pain while speaking their truth. Here is mine: we are all in this together. Our perspectives and passions and experiences and values may differ, but we are all breathing the same air. It is not our job to change others. Rather, it is our job to listen. To see how others see. To feel what others feel. Only then can we truly understand each other, and in doing so we build bridges (not walls) that hold compassion and hope, awareness and opportunity, and most importantly, connection.
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