More Than A Mother

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Words & Photography
by Kristen Mittler

Today something occurred to me. Something that seriously shook me to the bone and made me sob. Like couldn't catch my breath sob...

Today I met a woman. I met another mom. We immediately began talking about our kids and who they are and how they sleep and yada yada yada. Later I realized that I didn't ask her a single question about who she is, and she didn't ask me either. Like, if neither of us had kids, we would have asked questions. Who are you? What do you love? What makes you tick? What do YOU do for fun?
We immediately began talking about our kids and who they are and how they sleep and yada yada yada. Later I realized that I didn't ask her a single question about who she is, and she didn't ask me either.
I think as amazing and time consuming motherhood is, I think who we are deep inside matters because one day our kids are going to grow up and there we will be. Like, what do you day dream about? What fills you up besides your kids? Are you happy?... I think next time I meet another mom, next time I meet another woman, I am going to ask her questions about who she is. I am going to say, "My name is Kristen, and I am more than a mother."


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