Morning Person

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Words & Photography

I'm a morning person—though not in the typical wake up at 5am sense. I simply cherish my mornings and take them slow whenever possible.
It's become a necessity that I try to honor and protect, as often as possible, because I want to savor every day I've been given. 
I've set up traditions that allow for an intentional approach to my day—a glass or two of alkaline water, yoga or a walk by the seaside, a homemade lemon tea or macca latte, and reflective time journaling or reading. All these allow me to settle into the day with a strong sense of awareness and gratitude for the gift of life each day brings. It also fosters creativity in work and a cheerful and loving attitude towards those I meet along the way. It's become a necessity that I try to honor and protect, as often as possible, because I want to savor every day I've been given. What routines or traditions do you honor on a daily basis?


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