
Monday, April 17, 2017

Words by Shauna Niequist & Breanne Rodgers
Photography by Breanne Rodgers

"That's the common story, isnt it?...The writer becomes addicted to the IV drip of blog comments and likes, while her family longs for her to close her laptop and look them in the eye...it's nice to feel competent at something when family life feels difficult at best. By "nice" I mean addictive."
It's easier to be impressive to strangers than it is to be consistently kind behind the scenes. It's easier to show up and be a hit for an hour than it is to get down on the floor with your kids when you're so tired your eyes are screaming and bone dry.
"It's easier to be impressive to strangers than it is to be consistently kind behind the scenes. It's easier to show up and be a hit for an hour than it is to get down on the floor with your kids when you're so tired your eyes are screaming and bone dry. It's easier to be charming on a conference call that it is to traverse the distance between you and your spouse, the distance you created. Sometimes being brave is being quiet. Being brave is getting off the drug of performance. For me, being brave is trusting that what my God is asking of me, what my family and community is asking from me, is totally different than what our culture says I should do. Sometimes, brave looks boring, and that's totally absolutely okay."

Words from Shauna Niequist that cut right to heart of me in the best way. Trying to sit quietly with them for as long as is needed.


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