I remember, growing up, being able to ride my own bike until the streetlights came on, and my mom never had to worry about how crazy the world was.I remember, growing up, being able to ride my own bike until the streetlights came on, and my mom never had to worry about how crazy the world was. Maybe it's the media's overexposure that's to blame, but I am definitely not as easy-minded as my mom use to be. Maybe it's just me being overprotective. Or maybe it's me wishing that they would stay just this way. Whatever it is, I wish I could have days like this more often...
Until The Streetlights Came On
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Words & Photography
Tonight they played until the streetlights came on and their dad came home. I had already prepared dinner and was able to sit there (with wine) and watch them the whole time.
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