Ice Cream To Thank Him

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Words & Photography
by Lindy Pardee

This morning while I was half asleep laying in bed, Titus came into my room and asked if he could change Cosette's diaper. I said sure so he took her into the girl's bedroom. I remembered we'd just put a live video camera in there so I started watching them on my phone.
This morning while I was half asleep laying in bed, Titus came into my room and asked if he could change Cosette's diaper.
Cosette is at the stage where she doesn't stay still so I watched the funniest scene play out of Titus taking off a poo diaper and screaming because she was rolling around. He wrangled her to wipe her and struggled to get her to stay still long enough for him to put a new one on. It made me laugh so much. It also made me proud because he knew she needed her diaper changed and I wasn't up yet, so he took initiative to take care of it. He also worked really hard to accomplish the task.

He's my wonderful, responsible, caring seven year old. We took him for some ice cream to thank him.


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