by Melissa Landrus

Looking through old photos and I keep coming back to this. To be honest, I did not love being pregnant. There are so so many mamas who just love every aspect of it, but for me it was mostly, "I'm so glad I get nine months without my period!!!"
Although I am so eternally glad we made the decision to have a second, to give Hadley a sister, it was such a special time in our lives to have her as our only child to cherish.However, there are some moments that I truly, truly miss. The little flutters and kicks, the closeness to the growing human inside that absolutely nothing can compare to. I miss those parts. I also miss my one-on-one time with Hadley. Although I am so eternally glad we made the decision to have a second, to give Hadley a sister, it was such a special time in our lives to have her as our only child to cherish.
To the mamas who are pregnant and can't wait to get the baby out, it does nottttt last forever, despite how that last month might feel. Treasure the moments with your little one still inside.
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