You Don't Know Me, Computer

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Words & Photography
by Carolyn Stritch

I read an article today that said *computers* can detect whether or not a person is depressed by scanning their Instagram photos. Telltale signs you're a depressed Instagrammer: greys, blue tones, drained colours. Just scanned my own feed, and...
What the computers don't know is that I've done a day's work in my pyjamas, just had a peanut butter KitKat Chunky, and I'm about to crack open a lovely cold beer.
What the computers don't know is that I've done a day's work in my pyjamas, just had a peanut butter KitKat Chunky, and I'm about to crack open a lovely cold beer. Thai banquet tonight too.

So, there. You don't know me, *computer*. Stop judging me, maaan!


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