My Latest Journey

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Words & Photography
by Katie Sjogren

I've been asking myself this question: What do you want your life to look like? I keep coming back to words like full, rich with love, simple, rooted, wholehearted, honest, raw, cultivated. I've been working hard and it isn't easy to live well.

You have to choose joy, you have to choose love, and you have to do the really messy hard work even when you're depressed or hopeless or overwhelmed. My latest journey is learning how to cook. I've asking my friends to help me meal plan real whole food meals, and I'm taking my first ever cooking class tonight from a local chef.
You can make your life look different, you can cultivate, build foundations and live beautifully, but it takes raw, honest feelings to address what is holding you back.
You can make your life look different, you can cultivate, build foundations and live beautifully, but it takes raw, honest feelings to address what is holding you back. What was holding me back? Fear, less than feelings, and depression. But here is to choosing a rooted life where fear doesn't get to make decisions for me.


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