by Chelsea Diamond
Decided to give E a bath while Jett napped. Got her in the tub just in time for him to wake up hangry. I start to feed him while sitting by the tub. E decides she has to poop but doesn’t want to get out; she wants to poop in the bath or have me put a diaper on her.
I put Jett down, he screams, pull E out of the tub and on the toilet, she cries. I pick Jett BACK up to finish feeding...I finally convince her that neither of these are going to happen and that she needs to go on the toilet (something she’s done before). I put Jett down, he screams, pull E out of the tub and on the toilet, she cries. I pick Jett BACK up to finish feeding, just in time for E to decide she doesn’t have to poop after all and wants back in the tub.
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