by Brandi Schutt
Today, on our way home from the grocery store, Ev said to me, “Slow down Mama, you’re going too fast.” I didn’t immediately take note, but as we pulled in the driveway, I started to cry a little. Somehow she knew, in the most innocent way, that those words were just what I needed to hear in that moment.
Somehow she knew, in the most innocent way, that those words were just what I needed to hear in that moment.I’ve been living too fast, flying through the holiday season, over-scheduled and stressed to the max...I need to slow down! I need to see the magic in our everyday, through the eyes of my babes. So from the wise words of a three year old, please don’t forget to slow down. It’s a wonderful world we live in and we should take the time to enjoy and appreciate it with those sitting next to us. Even if they’re pint-sized sassy toddlers.
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