by Keaton Webb

In seasons of quiet endurance I am susceptible to all forms of self-preservation. My first instinct is to barricade my heart in with walls. Then maybe some secret codes. And if I’m feeling really introverted, maybe I’ll add those laser beams that only secret agents can get past. All this to say, it takes so much surrender to stay tender while my comfort is under siege. takes so much surrender to stay tender while my comfort is under siege. Some days I’d like to just stay in bed and dream I’m somewhere in the mountains, secluded and alone, where I can feel free.Some days I’d like to just stay in bed and dream I’m somewhere in the mountains, secluded and alone, where I can feel free. And it’s taken me surrendering everything I know, including the reality of present, crippling anxiety, to realize that the Lord provides pauses for rest and freedom in our lives that are actually much more fulfilling than running to the mountains could ever be. And it is in the surrender that we find them, not in the hiding and barricading.
To be honest though, I would like to go back to the mountains soon. Prayers for my bank account please.
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