by Nina Plummer
Yesterday I stole a little time to bake a wildflower honey, olive oil, and almond cake. The recipe is simple; it only takes 5 minutes to whip up, and sets to a soft but sliceable texture in under an hour in the oven. It was soothing to prepare and filled our temporary abode with a wonderful homey feeling. A fail-proof way to make a rental house feel like a home.
Work and the renovation of our home and studio have left little time for all those activities that infuse the everyday with meaning and value. The times we need to slow the most are often the times we are most reluctant to allow ourselves to do so.And yet, it's taken me six weeks to allow myself a little time out of ongoing projects to make this place feel like home. Work and the renovation of our home and studio have left little time for all those activities that infuse the everyday with meaning and value. The times we need to slow the most are often the times we are most reluctant to allow ourselves to do so. Every time life is moving at a rapid pace and I take a little time to slow I realise just how beneficial it is: how much more productive I become, how much better I feel, how much easier I am to live with. And yet, as soon as the hectic periods come around again it’s as if all traces of this epiphany had been erased from my memory.
I suppose this is the ebb and flow of life and balance. At times we are frantic, other times we are at peace and it’s these shifting tides of our life that, in the long run, combine to form something that, upon reflection, looks a lot like balance. ⠀ ⠀
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