by Tiffany Grant-Riley

TGIF. Its been a thoroughly unmotivated week here, maybe it’s down to the distractingly gorgeous weather, or just part of the ebb and flow of self-employment. It’s something I’ve really had to learn to grow into though, control freak that I am, understanding how best to listen to myself when I’m not feeling so inspired.
It’s something I’ve really had to learn to grow into though, control freak that I am, understanding how best to listen to myself when I’m not feeling so inspired.My advice? Don’t force it, focus your attention on something else for a while and it’ll come back when you’re in the right space. That’s not to say I haven’t been productive in the garden though - did you see the progress on our black fences on my Stories? Also, prep begins on the bedroom this weekend now we’ve settled on the paint.
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