by Mary Salas

Dear Mother trying to do it all,
You’re doing amazing. You are absolutely incredible. But please remember to take a break, ask for help, say no, say yes, and allow room for yourself to breathe. You’re important, but in order to do your very best, it’s okay to do a little less.
Whether you’re a working/single/work-from-home/military (or medical, or fire, or leo, etc.) spouse/or just whatever it is that makes you take too much on your plate, take a deep breath. Loosen those shoulders and unclench your jaw. Relax your face. Breathe in, breathe out. I know what it’s like to have SO MUCH on your plate, whether it be out of necessity or mental obligation - trust me, I get it. But there comes a point where you’ll be stretched so thin you really can’t give your all in any area of your life, and then doing it “all” actually ends up being dropping it all.
It’s a daily battle for me; learning to accept help, learning to reach out and actually ask for help. Learning that I genuinely cannot do it all myself...and that’s okay. I’m not meant to and neither are you.Again, I’ve been there. It’s a daily battle for me; learning to accept help, learning to reach out and actually ask for help. Learning that I genuinely cannot do it all myself...and that’s okay. I’m not meant to and neither are you. Your littles, your spouse, your faith, YOUR health. These are the most important things. These come first. Everything else can wait (yes, including the dishes) because everything on your list of to-do’s needs a non-stressed mama who isn’t stretched so thin she can’t give her all in anything.
The tickles, the kisses, the rocking to sleep, and coffee that’s sitting in that one spot you forgot all day...let those come first. Then the play dates/emails/scrubbing/cleaning/emails and whatever else is on your nagging list can wait. You matter too, mama.
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