Sleeping Babies

Friday, September 21, 2018

Words & Photography
by Lindsey Dowdy

Believe it or not, this is my only remotely clear picture that I have of one of my babies sleeping in their crib.

Ryan was an awful sleeper his first year of life. Once he was down, there was NO WAY that we were going to risk waking him up by taking a picture with natural light coming into the room. Emerson has always been a rockstar sleeper, but I am so scarred by Ryan’s poor sleeping habits that first year that I don’t mess with her once she’s down. She puts herself to sleep beautifully and I simply let her sleep. No way am I risking going into her room for a picture.
Emerson has always been a rockstar sleeper, but I am so scarred by Ryan’s poor sleeping habits that first year that I don’t mess with her once she’s down.
Well, yesterday my little bug fell asleep in the car and I successfully transferred her into her crib and was able to lift her shade and take a picture! I can’t stop looking at her little profile and those edible arm rolls. I will forever cherish this image.


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