Stretchin' Those Groceries

Friday, October 26, 2018

Words & Photography
by Bri Wooten

Yesterday, I looked in my fridge and had some almost-too-gross-to-eat spinach (ya know, it gets that funky smell...), and some bell peppers that were getting a liiiiittle too soft for my liking, so I sautéed them up and made a delish breakfast quiche!
Yesterday, I looked in my fridge and had some almost-too-gross-to-eat spinach (ya know, it gets that funky smell...), and some bell peppers that were getting a liiiiittle too soft for my liking...
I hate wasting food so I’m always looking for ways to make it last. Any other mamas feel me on stretchin' those groceries?! The only thing is...I didn’t follow a recipe, so I hope it tastes as good as it looks.


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