by Sarah Copeland

I read something great today that I don’t want to forget: if you’re stuck, do the opposite of what you would normally do. In short, do something different. Easy, right?
Breakfasts are golden time in my family—cozy and chill and delicious. Zero drama. But dinner is not our family jam. There are usually arms flying and drinks spilling and someone accidentally getting poked with a fork. I usually try to keep it short and sweet and excuse everyone from the table as fast as I can. Tonight though, as the snow started falling fast and hard, I heard that little phrase: “do something different.”
But dinner is not our family jam. There are usually arms flying and drinks spilling and someone accidentally getting poked with a fork. I usually try to keep it short and sweet and excuse everyone from the table as fast as I can.My first thought was—candlelight! So I lit candles, dimmed the lights, put on French cafe radio, and whipped some cream for pumpkin pie after our otherwise standard dinner (poached salmon, quinoa, baked sweet potatoes). Guys, dinner tonight was a DREAM, especially the part where the kids took their plates to the sink and spent the next two hours outside playing in the snow while I chilled inside by candlelight.
Feeling restored and I can’t wait to try something different tomorrow too, like, maybe, baked donuts on a school day (or having dad pack school lunches). Winter, I’m ready for ya.
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