Let Me Never Forget It

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Words & Photography
by Emily Hannon

I remember being asked with Jack what I found hardest about becoming a mother, and I never really knew how to answer. The sleepless nights, the first fever, the uncertainty about this or that—of course all of that was an adjustment, but this deep peace always dwelled in my heart because I was exactly where I should be, doing exactly what I was called to do.
Now...I know what it is that makes my heart physically ache sometimes; it’s knowing that I can’t freeze these details written on his little face or slow the passing of time. 
Now, with Peter, I know what it is that makes my heart physically ache sometimes; it’s knowing that I can’t freeze these details written on his little face or slow the passing of time. I love taking photos of my children because I know I’ll forget these sweet, precious details that tend to get lost in the everyday hustle. His plump little lips that open wide as he doses off, the smell of his head that rests on my chest, his warm body wrapped around mine in a perpetual hug. Lord, let me never forget it, not a single detail.


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