
Monday, March 25, 2019

Words & Photography
by Joanna Ballentine

Mondays are sorta an in-between the weekends and weekdays for us. An ease of a day to introduce us back in. (We like to take advantage of every minute as a family during the weekends so I don’t like to plan much then.) So for today, not a plan in site but just moments TO plan our flow for the week.
We’ll just get out of bed slower, sometimes get back in our pajamas after a warm, long bath, read a lot, play a lot, craft a lot, snack a lot, and try our hardest to laugh a lot.
We’ll just get out of bed slower, sometimes get back in our pajamas after a warm, long bath, read a lot, play a lot, craft a lot, snack a lot, and try our hardest to laugh a lot. I try to set up our Mondays to make sure I don’t have to pick battles or instruct much. I just don’t have much expectation because we all need a bit of grace to get back into the week. Mainly grace to myself because here goes a whole week of being a stay-at-home mom with deep intentionality- and that takes energy. Sometimes we leave the house on Mondays and sometimes we don’t. Today we probably won’t. I love a good cleaning day so throughout the day I find joy in being able to clean and not feel bad about letting the kids just be. So, I’ll go clean while I listen to my audio book and hope to not get too interrupted with sibling mishaps.

Someone once told me that they freeze casseroles for Monday mornings, doesn’t that sound so great? That would help in our flow for our easy day and I think I’ll try that next week! I just don’t want to be the type of person that mourns the weekend (aka the lack of husband) and hates the start of the week, so this is how we avoid that.


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