by Meredith Zimmermann

About to throw some "real life" at you, so if you’re not into the ugly, avert your gaze and keep on scrollin’ (no hard feelings).
It’s 10:30 and this has been a day. We woke up to puke (Elle) and a massive blowout (Sawyer). I slipped on ice getting the kids out of the car and hit Elle in the head with Sawyer’s carseat (my finest mom moment). Sawyer won’t take formula, like not even a drop mixed with my milk at daycare, and my supply has taken a plunge (seriously, what do you do when this happens?). I’m not getting quality sleep whatsoever (looking at you again, Sawyer), and my house is covered in dog hair and piles of laundry because I have no time in the evenings and we have two too many dogs.
We woke up to puke (Elle) and a massive blowout (Sawyer)...I’m not getting quality sleep whatsoever (looking at you again, Sawyer), and my house is covered in dog hair and piles of laundry because I have no time in the evenings and we have two too many dogs.I’m putting this out into the cyber universe with the hope that 1) if you’re going through something similar, you are not not NOT alone, and 2) maybe the universe will hear me say, "Uncle? I give!" I’m humbled and giving myself as much grace as I can muster in this season. BUT, we are getting pizza tonight with the family so, hey— that’s the good stuff right there. If I ever wanted to snuggle up with the babes at home and call it, today is that day.
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