by Ashley Izsak

"What IVF was like?" I always love that question.
It's this hard, messy, miraculous thing that we had to do to have our children. (Is what I wanted to say). But I wouldn't say that. I would say something more general, the coles notes version of two months of physical torture, emotional wreckage, and just so much hope. Sometimes adding in quick lines like, "two for the price of one" and "an instant family of four!"
It's this hard, messy, miraculous thing that we had to do to have our children. (Is what I wanted to say). But I wouldn't say that. I would say something more general, the coles notes version of two months of physical torture, emotional wreckage, and just so much hope.So maybe that's why when anyone asks about our twins, I've always responded with, "I HIGHLY recommend twins." Because they are two of our miracles, the first of our miracles, and when I think back to that time almost eight years ago when we hoped and prayed and longed for them to come, all I am filled with is warmth.
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