by Ashley Swartzendruber

One of the best things I’ve learned since I began cooking for our family is to always keep lentils, eggs, and sweet potatoes on hand no matter the season. There is always a meal there to be made, and they keep for a very long time in the pantry and refrigerator.
One of the best things I’ve learned since I began cooking for our family is to always keep lentils, eggs, and sweet potatoes on hand no matter the season.It can be topped with whatever is in season or with whatever we have on hand. Usually that looks like sautéed greens, cherry tomatoes, avocado and lime, pickled veggies, sauerkraut, hot get the picture. The kiddos don’t eat every part, but this meal is mostly so I can have kick ass lunches all week when I’m exhausted from feeding them snacks every 5 minutes.
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