This Home

Monday, July 29, 2019

Words & Photography
by Kelsey Hiebner

This home. This small 1924 house. It’s the perfect size for us. It brings me so much joy, and I am grateful for it. It has brought the love of two brothers closer as this room builds the bond of camaraderie. It keeps us close together and cozy as a family, and I know every inch of our space is used with purpose.
It brings me so much joy, and I am grateful for it. It has brought the love of two brothers closer as this room builds the bond of camaraderie. It keeps us close together and cozy as a family, and I know every inch of our space is used with purpose.
Though this home is temporary (like most homes while living a military lifestyle), it has been an amazing one. I’ll cherish each home we’ve lived in for different reasons. The tiny bungalow in North Carolina that we brought H home to, or the perfect balcony and views that our Italian villa had where we became a family of four. All the way to now - adding one more sweet babe to our walks downtown and around the neighborhood, and our sweet little backyard sanctuary.


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