Fire Cider

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Words & Photography
by Alyson Morgan

I’m feeling 100 times better today. Marshmallow root and rest did wonders for my sore throat and achy body. Today I woke up late but felt great. After dropping the kiddos off at school, I took to digging up some roots in the garden before the ground freezes and we get a big snow tonight.
Digging the roots and crafting my own herbal support feels like an act of resilience, resistance, and empowerment.
I dug up horseradish for this year’s batch of fire cider and another root I’ll share more about in a post to come. I adapted a couple recipes to make this batch. One from Herbal Academy and one from my favorite book The Modern Herbal Dispensary by Thomas Easley.

This fire cider includes:
+ fresh horseradish root
+ fresh rosemary + fresh ginger root
+ fresh turmeric root
+ fresh garlic
+ red onion from our garden
+ fresh jalapeño from a friends garden
+ fresh rosemary + fresh thyme
+ lemon slices + juice
+ creative add ins im experimenting with are a couple juniper berries + rosehips.
+ raw apple cider vinegar

I’ll let this concoction sit for 4 weeks, shaking everyday, and when it’s done  I’ll strain and add local raw honey from my dearest friend's bees. Fire cider is a wonderful cold and flu remedy. Digging the roots and crafting my own herbal support feels like an act of resilience, resistance, and empowerment.


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