by Cassie Arnold
Today felt like a lot. It was an "everyone needs everything from me all at once, and because of that no one really got anything from me" sort of day. And truthfully, it was the first time since bringing Eleanor home that I felt the way people usually sympathetically look at me when I’m out in public and they say so condescendingly, "Well you got your hands full, now don’t you?!" (Because usually I feel darn good going out with all of them and don’t understand the snarkyness).
Today felt like a lot. It was an "everyone needs everything from me all at once, and because of that no one really got anything from me" sort of day.But today my hands were full. But after some deep breaths, some amazing words of affirmation from a sweet friend, and a super quick shower...I changed the narrative. MY HANDS ARE FULL! Three healthy, lively, unique and kind little girls. What a blessing. So we stuck to our advent activity today and made hand-dipped candles like we do every year and it was so good for my soul.
Long story short: hot showers saves lives, y’all! And making things for others is always a great way to stop thinking about yourself.
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