by Jessica Van Gaalen

I forgot about the hormone crash after a miscarriage. That one day your body thinks your pregnant and the next your HCG levels are dramatically decreasing. I forgot that one second you’ll feel completely normal and the next you can’t even get off the couch.
I forgot about the hormone crash after a miscarriage...I forgot that one second you’ll feel completely normal and the next you can’t even get off the couch.This past week has been hard. It’s been so full of ups and downs. I’ve have moments of no patience. I’ve had moments where I felt like an awful mother, wife, and friend. I’ve also had moments where I’ve felt grateful. Grateful to had been pregnant for 8 weeks, grateful for my living babies, grateful that it wasn’t an ectopic pregnancy and that I had no complications with my D&C.
But man, I am ready to be back to my normal self. I’m ready for my levels to drop to 0. I’m ready to try again.
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