by Caroline Snider

And we delight in each other and despair just as much. We bend with the weight of it all. Everything so new all over again. We lift back the canopy so strangers can coo and see just how new our newest love is as we walk the streets in a daze.3 weeks with baby brother. Mum and Dad are surviving by sleeping in shifts. Mum cries in the shower and sends messages like, "I don’t know if I can do this." And Dad says in the quiet of the night, "It’s going to be okay babe." And we delight in each other and despair just as much. We bend with the weight of it all. Everything so new all over again. We lift back the canopy so strangers can coo and see just how new our newest love is as we walk the streets in a daze. And we smile and the dark that encircles our eyes creases at the corner with love. And we ask it to last forever. And for time to move quicker too. Forever in between. Just trying to surrender to it all.
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