My Weekend

Monday, June 28, 2010

Here are some photos from Saturday, when we went up to John's Ranch. I wish I had taken another roll of film with me, because I honestly could have snapped away all day! It was so beautiful up there!

[the most friendly, pregnant cow ever!]

[all the chickens were hiding in the shade, but i managed to snap a couple of the curious babies]

[there were 6 horses in all, and the sight of them galloping around the land together was breathtaking]

[the weather was perfect, and the view was amazing]

[oh, the deep pit bbq...after they had created a couple inches of hot coals in this 3 ft. deep hole in the ground, they put new wood on top which would serve as the oven rack. we threw chicken with onion and lemon, meat with marinade, and potatoes with garlic and spices, into plastic oven bags, which were then put into separate water-soaked burlap potato sacks, and placed on the wood before it had a chance to burn. ]

[the hole was then covered by a big steel slab, the slab was covered with dirt, and then the dirt was covered with cinder block tiles. we let the food bake for 3 and a half hours...]

[...and it all turned out to be the best bbq'ed food ever!]

During the day, we listened to lots of country music (lol), and I fell in love with all of their 4 dogs. The bocce ball tournament was hilarious since none of us had any idea how to play! So we ended up trying to find directions online, and sort of made our own version out of it. Later on a game of horse shoes broke out, but Anthony and I decided to just be spectators, rather than players.

All in all, the ranch bbq, in addition to the belated Father's Day dinner (which was great btw), made this weekend such a good one! I hope you enjoyed yours as well!


  1. What a nice week-end ! That must be great !
    I love country music !!

    By the way, I gave you an award on my blog :


  2. Everything sounds so yummy! I've always wanted to try roasted pig the way they prepare it underground in Hawaii, but never thought about cooking other foods that way. I wonder if we could try this in your Mom's backyard at our next family BBQ? lol

  3. What a beautiful ranch!! Love the pictures:)



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