
Monday, January 25, 2016

Words & Photography
by Marianna Hoyne

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about what motherhood means to me:

Motherhood is loving someone more than I've ever loved myself.
Motherhood is waking up at 6 am every day for 11mo out of the year to get my child ready for daycare.
Motherhood is not being able to sleep for the days my baby is a little under the weather. And then getting a stress/relief fever myself the second he gets better.
Motherhood is trying to keep up with my little one's energy even though I'm exhausted.
Motherhood is finding fun things for Leo to do, even if that means making a huge mess that I'll have to clean up later.
Motherhood is having a purse full of diapers and wipes, toys, socks, snacks.
Motherhood is worrying about all of his "firsts" - first kiss, first sport, first heartbreak, first time driving and riding a bike.
Motherhood is crying just at the thought of him moving out one day or going through something that I won't be able to help him with.
Motherhood is never feeling 100% sure of your decisions. Am I doing enough? Am I doing too little? Is he eating right? Do we read enough? Does he need more outside time? Should he be taking swim lessons?
Motherhood is taking advantage of every hug, every kiss, every cuddle. Because who knows when it'll be too much for him to handle.
Motherhood is the most difficult challenge I've ever faced. There are lots of unexpected tears; happy, sad and bittersweet.
Motherhood is never feeling 100% sure of your decisions. Am I doing enough? Am I doing too little? Is he eating right? Do we read enough? Does he need more outside time? Should he be taking swim lessons?
Just remember to cherish the good moments, as they will always outweigh the frustrating ones. You're not alone, we all worry, we all wonder whether or not people are judging our decisions. Just keep doing your best, because, at the end of the day, motherhood is beautiful.


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