by Amelia Jones
As I was lying in bed last night, I caught a glimpse of the wedding ring shining on my finger and had an "oh my gosh" moment.
And suddenly I was there, next to my husband, two kids and a dog tucked away in their beds. Living IN that daydream.I swear just yesterday I was free as a bird, daydreaming about my future, who I would marry, what my kids would be like, what job I would have... And suddenly I was there, next to my husband, two kids and a dog tucked away in their beds. Living IN that daydream. And all I could think about was how dang fast time is flying. I want to grab it and force it to stop, or at least slow way down, instead of feeling constantly like I'm hanging on for dear life!
This stage I will never get back. This time of life that I have always dreamed of will be gone. And I'm just hopin' I do my best to cherish it all.
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