by Kate Oliver
I'd been eyeing this caned rocker for weeks but the price tag was a bit much, so I would continue on and leave the store empty-handed.
I told myself that if it was still available after we returned from our trip, I'd go haggle them down. Not only was it still there, but the dealer had lowered the price to just two dollars above what I'd planned on proposing to buy it for.
While this story may seem silly to some to share, we are still so mindful of the things we purchase, what we spend, and how "stuff" affects the energy in our home.
I couldn't get this piece off my mind for nearly two months, then left the city for over two weeks, and it was marked down to my price range and still waiting for me when we returned.I couldn't get this piece off my mind for nearly two months, then left the city for over two weeks, and it was marked down to my price range and still waiting for me when we returned. I like to think little things like that mean that this chair was meant for our home, at least for awhile. In just a few days, it's become my spot for morning coffee, my nightcap, my writing and reading spot, the place where I sat for the wonderful heart-to-heart I shared with my beautiful wife last night, and the spot where I was able to rock my six-year-old for the first time since she was a baby, and she let me and we locked eyes.
A beautiful chair, yes, but it's more than that, don't you think? How do you feel about the role that things in our homes play?
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