by Rebecca Heart
I'm laying there beside him tonight having flashbacks of the first time we put him in that new born onesie in the hospital; the same one I had spent hours just staring at as I laid it out on our kitchen counter. I held it on my belly trying to map out what he would look like, how it would feel to finally get to bring him home with us, how it would feel to be someone's mom.
...but here I am with this beautiful life I couldn't possibly deserve and it's entirely strung together by a thread of t h e s e moments; the littlest ones...I feel like so often in life we expect the biggest "milestones" to be the most influential, like somehow we're defined by the anticipated events...but here I am with this beautiful life I couldn't possibly deserve and it's entirely strung together by a thread of t h e s e moments; the littlest ones, the ones they don't prompt you to write about in your baby book, the ones you find when you're doing the least searching, when you're just caught up in a blissful shot of living.
Those are the moments that jolt me. Those are the ones that make me. That's when my life is climatic.
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