by Rachel Zacharias

With a new baby I'm anticipating fewer hours of sleep, fewer moments of quiet, fewer hours to myself, fewer conversations with my husband, fewer days where I feel beautiful, more laundry, more clutter around the home, more headaches, more backaches, more moments of frustration, more moments of helplessness, and more dark circles.
With a new baby I'm also anticipating...more joyful tears, more loud laughs, more silliness, more snuggles from tiny hands, more cuddles from sleeping bodies...With a new baby I'm also anticipating more moments of complete "aw", more moments of feeling full, more joyful tears, more loud laughs, more silliness, more snuggles from tiny hands, more cuddles from sleeping bodies, more lullabies to be sung, more love for my husband, more adventures as a family, and more overall happiness in the simplicity life has to offer.
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