by AJ Fernando

Leftovers and gratitude for breakfast. Steph and I hosted two of the kindest people I know at our place yesterday, and we let Abhishek and Michael take over the kitchen. And living room. And dining table.
Amidst the mess, I had a flashback and then realized this was everything I had imagined The Creative Pantry would be. Cooking in the kitchen, setting the table, collaborating, and finally sitting down to enjoy the meal we all put together, and appreciating that moment with friends. I don’t know how to begin to describe the warmth and joy that I had in my heart.
And although, during those seasons, I was frustrated and had to make do with what I had or could come up with, I now look back to those struggles as times that were necessary...We worked together as a team and we celebrated together as a team. And to me, that celebration went beyond that gathering. It was all the years of being limited in space and resources. And although, during those seasons, I was frustrated and had to make do with what I had or could come up with, I now look back to those struggles as times that were necessary in order for me and my friends to share moments like these today. Those sacrifices, mine and theirs collectively, were all for us to have an opportunity to be around this table. To be in this place we all can call home. From online to offline.
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