by Megan Alexandra

Short Story: I love thrifting Long Story: Nearly everything we own was thrifted, gifted, or made ourselves. I love putting rooms together, and I love the hunt.
As a general rule, I sell anything we aren't using or loving and use that money to thrift what we want. This keeps our house clutter-free (to the best of our ability, at least), and it's part of how I seek to pursue mindful homemaking.As a general rule, I sell anything we aren't using or loving and use that money to thrift what we want. This keeps our house clutter-free (to the best of our ability, at least), and it's part of how I seek to pursue mindful homemaking. Even when we were renovating the kitchen and the bathroom, I found our refridgerator and sinks secondhand. My biggest tips for successfully thrifting exactly what you want are:
1. Know what you already have and make use of it.
2. Know what you'd prefer to have (or need).
3. Wait for the right piece to come along at the right price.
4. If you're visiting someone in a different town, check Marketplace and Craigslist in their area, too.
Be sure to share your favorite thrifty tips with me! I love this community of thrifty-loving people, and I'm alllllll about resourcefulness.
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