Changing Our Diet

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Words & Photography
by Jennifer Eland

We’ve been trying to slowly move toward more of a raw diet around here (which can be super hard when your habit is to cook everything). I feel like I do really well with plant-based meals, while Nate thrives off red meat (that type O blood thing haha).
We’ve been trying to slowly move toward more of a raw diet around here (which can be super hard when your habit is to cook everything).
This kale bowl has been so easy to throw together, and tastes so good! One night I threw thin slices of steak on top for Nate, and he raved! Do you guys have a favorite kale bowl? I feel somewhat stuck trying to think of what else to throw on them. Ideas welcome.

In this bowl
Shredded carrot
Hard boiled egg
Crème fraîche
Roasted sweet potatoes

Avo mayo, lemon juice, Dijon mustard, Worcestershire, minced garlic, ground black pepper


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