by Caroline Snider

You know what I thought about today, my baby? How magical it is that you ever even came to be. That your English Mama met your American Daddy on a coast neither of them were born on, and fell in love one Summer. And they fought and broke up, made up and tried again. And they grew together and struggled together. They overcame things together and adventured together. And they married in front of those that they loved most in an old dress and a new suit.
How magical it is that you ever even came to be. That your English Mama met your American Daddy on a coast neither of them were born on, and fell in love one Summer.And then one day out of the millions of lives that could have come to be, you appeared nestled within just waiting to be known. And we came so close to the precipice of losing you that it seems unbearable to think of now. But here you are. Just as you were supposed to be. And it’s just magic. And it takes my breath away. And I can’t hold on to it enough. And I can’t get enough. And it makes me breathless and my heart beat too fast and my words stumble one into the next. And it’s the reason it’s always going too fast. And the reason that I cry as I fold away tiny things that you have now outgrown. Because there will never be enough.
And I don’t know, it just makes sense to me kid, because you are the most magical thing I have ever beheld.
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